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Parenting . . .

We had a rough start to our day. Mason decided that he wasn't going to school so he dug his feet down and wouldn't budge. He was tired, grumpy and upset about a variety of things. Parenting can be challenging at times. How should I handle this situation? I don't want Mason to learn that he can quit when school, work, life gets hard. We talked about changes that needed to be made in his bedtime and morning routines. First, he needs to be in bed by 8:30 (not 9:30-10:00). He often doesn't want to go to school because he is too tired. Second, he needs to have a morning routine. Wake up, make your bed (it starts your day off with intention and you feel organized), eat breakfast + bible devotions, take a shower and get dressed + brush teeth. Sounds like a good plan! As the morning went on it got better. We started our 1st (paid) job in our neighborhood. The plants arrived and looked great. Apolo and Shawn worked together and got the bed drawn out in the yard along with the plants. The guys worked hard all day and our first project turned out great. I had a dentist appointment at 10:30 to get my teeth cleaned (I love how my teeth look after they are cleaned). Mikayla babysat Malia for me. She fed her, gave her a bath and got her clothes changed. I can't believe that Mikayla is old enough to babysit. My first baby is babysitting my youngest baby. Oh my! :) Mason played with Landon, which was helpful. We had lunch together and then went on to the orthodontist for Mikayla and Mason. Dr. Stoner feels like Mason's baby tooth needs to be pulled out to make room for his adult tooth coming in. I told Mason that we can handle it the "old fashion" way. Put a string on it and tie it to a door. Ha! Then, it was off to dance class (contemporary ballet) for Mikayla. I love our "girl talks" in the car as we drive around. We always have the best conversations about friends, family, church, life and random stuff. It is a special experience that I get with Mikayla (and someday Malia). I remember loving that one on one time with my Mom when I was a kid. Our day started off challenging, but got better as the day went on. Mason was happy that he got to stay home and watch "his birds" at all of our feeders. Mikayla was happy to have Mason home too. They played a few card games together and hung out throughout the day. Malia continued to try and take a few more steps on her own. She claps as she is trying to walk. She's so happy! Logan and Landon had fun throwing a small rubber ball at each other as they ran through the house. I love the sound of the boys laughing together. Overall, it was a wonderful day!

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