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Mommy & Landon --> Starbucks

Today was a little crazy at our house. Malia was up most of the night crying, coughing and nose dripping. Mason had a well visit at 1:00 so I took him along with Malia to get checked. Malia has an ear infection in both ears. Oh my! No wonder she was crying all night long. Logan got off the bus at 3:00. I gave him a snack and got him started with his homework. Then, I drove to pick up Landon at preschool. Mikayla watched the kids so I didn't have to take the crew with me. It was in the 20's and snowing out this afternoon. It was beautiful, but so cold. I picked up Landon and he said, "Mommy, can we go to Starbucks?" Oh sweet Landon! It was just the two of us and he wanted to spend time with me. Of course I had to take him to Starbucks. We went inside and he got a caramel cream steamer with a chocolate penguin cake pop. We sat at little table and talked for about 20 minutes. He told me all about his day at preschool. He is such a sweet little boy. I had so many things to do (pick up Malia's medicine, get a birthday gift for Logan's friend, etc), but I'm so glad that I took the time to sit down with my little 5 year old boy and connect. *The photos are a little grainy because they were taken on my phone. I still wanted to capture the moment even if the photos aren't clear. :)

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