This morning, Logan rode the bus for the first time since September. I cried as I watched him step up on the bus. Today he conquered his fear - the fear and worry that he had about having an asthma attack or getting car sick while riding the bus. He told me that he was ready to try to ride the bus again. I was so happy and so was Landon to have his buddy back on the bus with him.
I dropped Malia off at preschool at 8:30. Today was pajama day, swim day and the letter "p" for show-n-tell. Malia took a picture of us (laying down on the trampoline) for show-n-tell. So sweet!
Then, I went back home and visited with my Mom over coffee. I have really enjoyed having her stay with us this week. I've asked her all kinds of questions about her life, which has been great. I have learned new things about her too.
I started getting ready about 11:00. I didn't give myself enough time to take a shower and get out the door by 12:00 for my 12:30 hair appointment. I'm always rushing and it is stressful. I was in such a hurry that I put my undies on inside out. Ha! Maybe I need to get up earlier and get ready before the kids get up. I probably need to go to bed earlier so that I'm not so tired in the mornings. These are changes that I need to make this year. A new morning routine in 2020 is a must for my life!
I made it to my appointment (as I finished my makeup in the car). It was so good to see Emily. I LOVE our conversations together about life - kids, family, husbands, friends and everything else we enjoy talking about. Emily and I set up a lunch date in February at The Cake Bake in Carmel, which will be so fun! I had to rush out of my appointment to pickup Logan in carpool (Landon wanted to ride the bus home today) so I had to leave with my hair wet. I realized that I was going to be arriving about 5 minutes late so I called Shawn to help me out. He was so sweet and left work to get in the carpool lane. I pulled into the TME parking lot at 2:45. Logan jumped out of Shawn's car and into mine. We drove home and ate a few snacks. I cleaned up the kitchen, vacuumed the floors and finished my hair. Then, I went and picked up sweet Malia at preschool. She was playing with blocks when she looked up and saw me. She gave me the biggest hug and started singing a song that she learned in Spanish class. :)

The day ended with the most beautiful orange colored sunset. Logan took this photo of me and said, "Mom, you look so pretty." That made my day!